The Impact of Wood Processing Factories on Community Livelihoods in Dodoma City, Tanzania

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George Babune


At global scale technology marks variance on impact of forest resources over livelihood of communities. The study assessed the impact of wood processing industry on livelihood at Zuzu in Dodoma City Tanzania. This was a case study design in nature which employed a qualitative approach. Data were collected through key informant interviews, documentary review, and focus group discussion using 30 participants. It was revealed that the development has varied impacts over livelihood of the locality and the nation in general. These involved potential positive impacts of the development including change of land use, agglomeration of economic activities, spread of Chinese and Kiswahili languages, export trade promotion, and employment creation. Others are negative impacts including solid waste generation, deforestation, HIV/AIDS, men’s absenteeism at home for job, and accidents. The study concluded that the negative impacts can be mitigated and positive ones enhanced in order to promote the local and national livelihoods of communities. It was recommended that the effective implementation of management and monitoring components are important strategies for sustaining the project. Again, the use of railway transport for the project’s raw materials from sources and markets in Tanzania is important. This could be complimented by road mode in areas of missing railway lines. There is also a need to adhere to the best practice and operating procedures in the management of the development according to the national and international frameworks and standards.


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How to Cite
Babune, G. (2021). The Impact of Wood Processing Factories on Community Livelihoods in Dodoma City, Tanzania. Journal of Co-Operative and Business Studies (JCBS), 5(2).