Socio-Economic Factors Constraining the Performance of Agricultural Marketing Co-Operative Societies: The Case of Uru-East, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

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Scholastika Ngowi


This study assesses socio-economic factors constraining performance of agricultural marketing co-operatives societies in Tanzania focusing on Mruwia AMCOS. Specifically the study wants to examine the social and economic factors that hinder effective performance of Mruwia AMCOS. 81respondents from Mruwia village who are coffee growers were selected randomly to carry out the study. The research adopted cross sectional research design. Data were collected using interviews, questionnaires, document review and Focus Group Discussion, the analysis was done using both thematic analysis and descriptive analysis. The study found that in Mruwia AMCOS there is cultural behaviours that limits its AMCOS, issues such as land tenure and insecurity where women are not allowed to own land while are the major farm work force thus impact productivity. The findings also showed that liberalised economy, price fluctuation, amount of coffee production and lack of diversification are major factors that trouble co-operative farmers hence the tardiness in its growth. The study concluded that Mruwia AMCOS is deteriorating due to collection growth, poor sales growth and lack of diversification. Therefore the study recommends that, the government and other co-operative stakeholders should help coffee farmers to obtain better price and to reduce the pain brought by liberalised economy. To Mruwia AMCOS, the study recommends that it should diversify its products by cultivating other different crops available in their surroundings.


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How to Cite
Ngowi, S. (2021). Socio-Economic Factors Constraining the Performance of Agricultural Marketing Co-Operative Societies: The Case of Uru-East, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Journal of Co-Operative and Business Studies (JCBS), 5(2).