Socialisation and Health Literacy: Theories, Agents, and the Influence

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D.M Mshingo
M.I Muhanga


This article reviews literature on the influence of socialisation agents towards the promotion of health literacy (HL) to attain better health hence productive society. The paper specifically reviews theories, debates, and realities on the influence of socialisation agents on HL. A systematic literature review was conducted using a documentary research method, various search engines were used to obtain information based on the keywords. The key words included in the study were socialisation, socialisation theories, socialisation agents, means/ ways of socialisation, HL, and the influence of socialisation on HL. In conducting systematic literature review, aspects of the protocols by Cochrane Methods and the criteria articulated by PRISMA for reporting in the field of health were employed. The articles which met those criteria were selected and underwent the quality assessment and data extraction. The search identified 1692 publications, abstract screening was done from 1021 qualified publications, and 340 full-texts were screened for eligibility. Only 77 articles reflected the theme of this review. The review revealed that literature indicated the existence of influence of socialisation on HL through socialisation agents. This indicates that efforts to enhance HL should significantly focus on these agents. It is recommended that various stakeholders should devise interventions which will enhance health knowledge beginning at socialisation agents.


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How to Cite
Mshingo, D., & Muhanga, M. (2021). Socialisation and Health Literacy: Theories, Agents, and the Influence. Journal of Co-Operative and Business Studies (JCBS), 6(1).