Unclear Conceptual Boundaries Between Supply Chain, Value Chain and Logistics: A Review Of Concepts, Origins and Relationships

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Richard Nkunda
Kennedy Odongo


Confusion exists among academicians and practitioners on the application of supply chain, value chain, and logistics in the business field. Some use these terms interchangeably while others consider them as different. This paper has tried to present a comprehensive analysis on the differences that exists between these concepts, through a systematic literature review, involving 48 research articles, and gray literature. The paper traced the origin of each term, the relationship between them, and their differences. It was found that, there are differences and similarities among these concepts. The paper therefore concluded that, while the academic language has strived to bring out the distinction among supply chain, value chain and logistics, the overlapping roles and close connection between these concepts cannot be denied. What comes out clearly is that all the three concepts aim at adding value, not only to the product sold to the customers but also to the organisation in regards to the increased profit margin. This study recommends that supply chain educators, researchers, and practitioners put more effort into providing training to the scholarly community about the usage of and interaction among these concepts.


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Nkunda, R., & Odongo, K. (2021). Unclear Conceptual Boundaries Between Supply Chain, Value Chain and Logistics: A Review Of Concepts, Origins and Relationships. East African Journal of Social and Applied Sciences (EAJ-SAS), 3(2). https://doi.org/10.2023/eaj-sas.v3i2.116