The Editor-in-Chief of this Journal welcomes submission of manuscripts to be considered for publication. The Office of the Editor-in-Chief assumes that any author submitting a manuscript infers that the submitted work has not been published earlier (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis), or not submitted for publication considerations elsewhere. Therefore, submitted manuscript will undergo blind peer review before subjecting the same to editorial review for style, quality of communication, academic and scholarly content. The manuscript will further be tested for plagiarism of which 10% of plagiarism level is admissible for publication. The editorial office reserves the rights to reject, edit, or shorten any submitted manuscript and approve for publication. 


URN: https://journals-mocu.eajsas/urn:nbn:de:2022-eaj-sas.v5i13

Published: 2023-06-30