Research Implications in African Co-Operative Development: Nexus to Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

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Mayala Mbembela


The role of research on Co-operatives among others is to come out with answers to the problems in co-operative movement to suffice the needs of society through the governments, the private sector, big industrialist and individual entities may contribute to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Even if the Co-operative form of organizations and their achievements is in different parts, the Co-operatives scenery in Africa is scattered with footprints of successful Co-operatives, beneath which, lies thousands of Co-operatives that have perished with hopes of people; several others are shuffling laterally amongst life and death limping on backings thought by their Governments, donors and NGOs. This paper utilized a desk research approach by analyzing different literatures to answer the question of how research is an important tool to the co-operative and how it complements to the SGDs achievements. It was found that, notwithstanding the many impediments encountered over time, Co-operatives continue to be organizations of choice in many African countries for the majority of people who want to fulfill their shared desires by taking full advantage of economies of scale and alliances that ascends from combined actions. Studies in co-operatives done by high learning institutions and other development partners continue to be an important tool for the rise and fueling the sustainable Co-operative organizations in Africa and around the World in achieving the SGDs. It is recommended that, more researches should be done especially on the emerging types of co-operatives and the new challenges to co-operative development.


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How to Cite
Mbembela, M. (2021). Research Implications in African Co-Operative Development: Nexus to Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Journal of Co-Operative and Business Studies (JCBS), 4(2).