Social Economic Empowerment Benefits of Women’s Participation in Tourism Activities in Serengeti District, Mara Region, Tanzania

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Mugweta Manyarange
William Warsanga


This study assesses the social economic empowerment benefits of women participation in tourism activities in Serengeti district. Specifically, women’s tourism activities were identified, factors influenced their participation were analysed, and benefits of participating were determined. The total sample size of 97 women was selected by using simple randomly sampling and 4 key informants chosen purposively. The data were collected using questionnaire and interview guide; analysed by descriptive statistics, logistic regression model, and contextual analysis. It was found that majority of women in the study area are involving in selling cultural products to tourists (37.5%), housekeeping (21.9%), Waitress (16.7%) and gardener (7.3%). Significant factors influence their participation in tourism activities were the education level and years of residence in the community at 1% and 5% significant levels respectively. Socioeconomic benefits associated with their participation in tourism activities are assets ownership, employment opportunities, decision making, and self-reliability in various household expenses or needs (livelihood). It is recommended that since very few women (< 5%) are involved tour guide, hotel management, and security guard that are direct related to tourism activities, they should keep on what entails those activities so as to grab the opportunities. They should also seek for more tourism related trainings to participate fully as experts in the tourism industry.


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How to Cite
Manyarange, M., & Warsanga, W. (2021). Social Economic Empowerment Benefits of Women’s Participation in Tourism Activities in Serengeti District, Mara Region, Tanzania. East African Journal of Social and Applied Sciences (EAJ-SAS), 3(1).