Predictors of Behavioural Support of Tanzania Tourist Destination Branding: Does Engagement of Local Residents Matter?

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Aman David
Emmanuel Chao


Destination branding plays a cardinal role in building tourist sector competitiveness. However, while destination branding is considered an inclusive process, very little is known on how local residents can be motivated to offer support towards the inclusive successful destination branding. Therefore, this study adopts a supply-side perspective to explore the role of engagement in achieving inclusive successful destination branding while involving local residents. The study used structured questionnaires that were self-administered in gathering data from 302 respondents who are owners-managers of services organisations in the tourism sector and were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling(SEM). It is confirmed in this study that destination branding is an inclusive process; therefore, behavioural support is promoted through investing in local residents’ engagement which builds destination identification. On top of that, behavioural support towards destination branding is an outcome of the exchange process between local residents and Destination Marketing Organisation (DMO), therefore, destination identification is a role-based identity expressed by local residents.


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How to Cite
David, A., & Chao, E. (2021). Predictors of Behavioural Support of Tanzania Tourist Destination Branding: Does Engagement of Local Residents Matter?. East African Journal of Social and Applied Sciences (EAJ-SAS), 3(2).