Lobbying and Advocacy: Project Support Information (PSI) Consultants By JITONGA, BA. NAIROBI, KENYA 2013. ISBN: 978-9966-1544-39: 194PP

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Prosper Kimaro


The need for reviewing this book came as a result of its fundamental importance to our students at the Colleagues and Universities. It has been one of the most important resource books particularly on lobbying and advocacy, gender issue, resource mobilization and project planning and management courses. Since its last edition, eight years have elapsed so it was important to review it in order to know what still useful and what is missing for the contemporary time so as to make it more meaningful. Lobbying and Advocacy are very pertinent tools in spearheading community projects and socio-economic development in any nation. Community socio-economic interventions need skills, knowledge and attitudes which can be obtained through Lobbying and Advocacy. Therefore, the Lobbying and Advocacy book provides helpful insights on capacity building through knowledge and skills development which are necessary for their holistic community development. Practitioners of socio-development programs will find this book very pertinent in their day to day duties and responsibilities. The Lobbying and Advocacy book of 2013 is a simplified version of 2011 with new sub-themes such as strategic management of Lobbying and Advocacy, managing risks in lobbying and advocacy, advocacy projects and managing knowledge in Lobbying and Advocacy. This has made this Lobbying and Advocacy book to be more knowledgeable and imponderable for different users in academics, community work and project related activities or social development programs where Lobbying and Advocacy is needed. Lobbying and Advocacy book is highly recommended to lecturers and trainers at different academic levels (undergraduate and post graduate) in Lobbying and Advocacy as well as capacity building and empowerment.


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How to Cite
Kimaro, P. (2021). Lobbying and Advocacy: Project Support Information (PSI) Consultants By : JITONGA, BA. NAIROBI, KENYA 2013. ISBN: 978-9966-1544-39: 194PP. East African Journal of Social and Applied Sciences (EAJ-SAS), 3(2). https://doi.org/10.2023/eaj-sas.v3i2.138
Book Review