The Role of Remuneration on Employee Work Engagement in Tanzania

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Vincent Kibambila
Ismail Ismail


This study examines the role of employee remuneration on teachers' work engagement. Specifically, the study aimed to determine the influence of (i) employee remuneration on teacher’s commitment to teaching, (ii) employee remuneration on teacher’s trustworthiness for teaching (iii) employee remuneration on teacher’s passion for teaching. The study was done using a sample of 323 secondary school teachers was involved in the study. Primary data were collected among teachers from Bukoba municipal council and Ruangwa district council in Tanzania. Structural equation modeling (SEM) using SPSS with AMOS Version 21 was used to analyze data. The technique was relevant because it fits the need of the study as it is capable of capturing and analyzing both observable and non-observable (latent) variables like remuneration. The output of SEM revealed that employee remuneration significantly influences employee engagement. The study concludes that to have employees fully engaged in the work, employers in the workplace need to use various factors, including remuneration. Therefore, the study recommends that remuneration be used to engage the employee in employment.


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How to Cite
Kibambila, V., & Ismail, I. (2021). The Role of Remuneration on Employee Work Engagement in Tanzania. East African Journal of Social and Applied Sciences (EAJ-SAS), 3(1).